Making the connection is basically the presenter making sure he/she can make the hook up with audience. For example if the presenter is delivering a boring topic, the audience will get up and leave. As I was reading this chapter, one of the examples.that Burmark mentions is about making the abstract concrete, to ask the audience members to make a picture in their head when you say the word rose. (2011, P. 71). My first picture on my mind was my mother, because her name is Rose. This is how you would make the learner connect with the presenter by having more concrete context which is easier to remember (Burmark,2011, p.71). Simulations and real-life experiences are also ways of know how to present more concrete. I agree with Burmark that she states that classroom teachers has an advantage over the one –presenter in that ongoing course provides more time to asses and build foundational knowledge (2011, P.74). I thing I learn for sure is that I need to make sure I don’t bore my audience and keep them interested on the topic being presented. The presenter needs to also make sure to use some humor in order to connect with the audience along with the use of language barrier.
Burmark, L. (2011). They Snooze You Lose: The educator’s guide to successful presentations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass
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