Monday, February 27, 2012

EDTC-6340 Copyright Fifth Presentation

After reading Chapter 8 and 9 I decided to make changes to my Power Point by adding music to my first slide. I upload music from called Flighty theme by artist Kevin Macleod.  In order to keep audience in suspense what was on the next slide, I also added sound to each slide. Each slide has a difference sound for example some have a sound of chimes, drums, etc. My last two slides which are my reference slides I added the sound of applause so that the audience can know that it is the end of the presentation.

Burmark, L. (2011). They Snooze You Lose: The educator’s guide to successful presentations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Sunday, February 26, 2012

EDCI-6340 Chapter 9 Tapping Emotion

This chapter deals with adding emotions to the Power Point slides that stick. Burmark states Emotions stick like mental post-it notes, they tell your brain to “pay attention! You’re going to want to remember this” (2011, P, 157).  While reading this chapter on emotions one thing that came to mind is that as an Academic Advisor we are invited to attend many career fairs at the elementary schools so in order for the students to have interest in our program, we have a power point presentation with many images of the different college visits that our students visit every year.  The students will remember us as the program that takes many college field trips.  We want the emotion of fun, fun, and fun to stick to these students during the career fair event at their campus.  This chapter also mentions that it is important for the presenter to have positive emotion so it can carry across the room.  This is why when we present at career fairs.  We show excitement and positive emotions during the event and encourage students to join our program.  Burmark also states that we educators have always known in our hearts: whatever emotion we are feeling will reverberate throughout our classroom or presentation venue (2011, P, 172).

                 Burmark, L. (2011). They Snooze You Lose: The educator’s guide to successful presentations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

EDTC 6340 Chapter 8 Playing Music

I enjoyed reading chapter nine because it dealt with adding music and images to your Power Point to make the presentation more interesting.  Burmark states you have them less than an hour; you need to make an experience they will never forget and connect with them right away (2011, P.141).  I agree with Burmark especially if you have an audience that tends to get bored right away.  As an Academic advisor for The Educational Talent Search Program, one of my responsibilities is create bilingual presentation parents and students about the ETS Annual 6th grade CAMP.  I will start with a video of the camp from the year before.  This will help the audience connect with the presenter.  The author also states that music and images is the two most important things to remember while creating a Power Point presentation (Burmark, 2011, P. 141).  By using images and music for example, I started my Power Point with a picture of the students participating at the dolphin watch at South Padre Island and will follow it with a short video of the students on the boat. By using music video and images from the year before the audience would see how much fun it was to attend the ETS Camp for the 2010 school year.   With this in mind, Burmark also stated that from our own life experience that any time music is played during an emotionally charged event, we will remember both the event and the song more vividly (2011,P,152).

                Burmark, L. (2011). They Snooze You Lose: The educator’s guide to successful presentations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Saturday, February 25, 2012

6340 Copyright Fourth Presentation

At the end of reading chapters 5-7, I decided to make many changes to my Power Point. First I replaced the first slide with a humoristic picture of a cat. I enlarged all images and removed all text. I placed the text that was removed on the notes section so that when I present I will have the notes to guide me. I also added a picture border on each image. I added images on slides 11 and 12 dealing with Fair Use 107-108. Chapter 5 talks about making the connection by using humor this is why I used the cat picture at the beginning of the Power Point. Chapter 6-7 talks about images, humor, and surprising the audience, so this is why i decided to replace all my slides with larger images no text so that the audience can be alert not bored and anxious to see the next slide.

     Burmark, L. (2011). They Snooze You Lose: The educator’s guide to successful presentations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Friday, February 24, 2012

EDCI-6340 Chapter Seven-Starting With Images

Images play an important role when it comes down to creating a Power Point presentation. But at the same token we need to make sure we limit what we put on each individual slide (Burmark, 2011, P. 116). As I finished reading this chapter, I have come to a conclusion that I will create my Power Points using more images.   I will make sure it is interesting to the audience and not boring.  I usually conduct monthly parent meetings to inform the parents on their son/daughters progress. I will create my next Power Point presentation by using only images of the students attending the annual Recruitment 6th grade student Camp.

  Burmark, L. (2011). They Snooze You Lose: The educator’s guide to successful presentations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Thursday, February 23, 2012

EDCI-6340 Chapter Six-Harnessing humor

I can relate to this chapter because I also have being in the classroom hoping that the presenter hurries up and finishes his boring presentation. I sit there wishing for a fire drill or some kind of interruption so that the presentation can be canceled.  This chapter mentions ways those presenters can make their presentations more fun.  Burmark mentions that there are two things need to happen to get your content across (2011, P.100).  First is to get your audience’s attention and second, connect the humor to your content so people will learn (Burmark, 2011, P.100).  After reading this chapter I will definitely try to make my presentations more fun for example I will start with a joke or have a funning image and start up classroom discussion. 

  Burmark, L. (2011). They Snooze You Lose: The educator’s guide to successful presentations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

EDTC 6340 Chapter 5 Making Connections

Making the connection is basically the presenter making sure he/she can make the hook up with audience. For example if the presenter is delivering a boring topic, the audience will get up and leave. As I was reading this chapter, one of the examples.that Burmark mentions is about making the abstract concrete, to ask the audience members to make a picture in their head when you say the word rose. (2011, P. 71).    My first picture on my mind was my mother, because her name is Rose. This is how you would make the learner connect with the presenter by having more concrete context which is easier to remember (Burmark,2011, p.71). Simulations and real-life experiences are also ways of know how to present more concrete. I agree with Burmark that she states that classroom teachers has an advantage over the one –presenter in that ongoing course provides more time to asses and build foundational knowledge (2011, P.74). I thing I learn for sure is that I need to make sure I don’t bore my audience and keep them interested on the topic being presented.  The presenter needs to also make sure to use some humor in order to connect with the audience along with the use of language barrier.

       Burmark, L. (2011). They Snooze You Lose: The educator’s guide to successful presentations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Monday, February 13, 2012

EDTC-6340 Third Copyright Presentation

After reading chapter three celebrating presenters and four Ringing Chimes, I deided to go back to my power point and made some changes to make my power point more presentable. First of all I changed the color of the slides. I then added more graphics to my slides for example less words and more visial aids for the purpose of the audience not to be bored. My power point has mostly graphics therefore students will be more alert during the lesson . Burmark, L. (2011). They Snooze You Lose: The educator’s guide to successful presentations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Sunday, February 12, 2012

EDTC-6340 Chapter 4 Ringing Chimes

Chapter 4 Ringing Chimes

Linda Burkelll, states that in the educational field when we present a presentation we need two things to be done but also well done (p. 62).  The presenter needs to be effective by accomplishing two things which are to get the learners attention and make the presentation memorable.  For example when I used to teacher History to my ESL students I would dress up as Pocahontas this was done so that the students would show interest and would like to see what the presentation would be about.  The lesson would help students grasps a better understanding of the history lesson. With this in mind, I needed to make sure that I was able attract the audience not distract the learner.  Once you have accomplish getting the attention of your audience, you need to learn how to keep your audience attention long enough to make the presentation stick.

Burmark, L. (2011). They Snooze You Lose: The educator’s guide to successful presentations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

EDTC-6340 Chapter 3 Celebrating Presenters

Chapter 3: Celebrating Presenters While reading this chapter I learned specific tips and strategies to be able to perform a better presentation to my audience. In order to have a great presentation and not bore the audience the presenter would need to start with a main focus such as music at the beginning of the presentation or an ice breaker in which involves a hands on activity. For example, I attended a Counselors Workshop located at South Padre Island last year. The theme for the conference was Mari Gras and before the presentation would begin, presenters would greet the audience with beads. The sessions would fill up quickly because they would be expecting some type of entertainment. Lynell Burmark also states that the presenter would need to be motivational because it inspires us and has an impact, short or long term (p.45). One other technique to remember is to always smile to the audience and never let them know that you are nervous or not prepared.
      Burmark, L. (2011). They Snooze You Lose: The educator’s guide to successful presentations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Sunday, February 5, 2012

EDTC6340-Revised Copyright Presentation

After reading Chapter one on Tweaking Presentations and Chapter two creating slides and handouts, I went back to my previous powerpoint and did the following: I changed the color of my slides because it will make the audience want to want to read what they see. I also changed the font on my title pages from smaler font to bigger font so that the audience will be able to see the power point if sitting at the end of the room. I also reduced the number of words per slide so that the presenter will not read the slide but use this as a guide to what he or she will talk about during the presentation.

EDTC 6340-Chapter Two Creating slides and handouts

Chapter two mentions how to create slides and what type of handouts to use why creating a power point presentation.   I could relate to this chapter because I took a class last semester and throughout the course we had to create and reflect each chapter read through power point presentations.  Some presentations were boring due to the presenter reading word by word.  Following the power point presentation there was also a ten to fifteen page handout.   The power points that I remember were the ones with colorful images, less wording and not much redundancy.   Now I see why the presenter did not lose their audience, because she used the correct skills that are needed in order to have presentable power point presentations.  As far as using handouts the students would email us the presentation prior to the date and this will eliminate the use of handouts.  This was just a few students that actually had good power point presentations. 

EDTC 6340-Chapter one Tweaking Presentations

 My first assignment for my 6340 class was on creating a power point presentation.  I had created power point presentations for my previous classes.  Even though Chapter one should have served as a review from my previous courses, I still learned new ways of creating a power point to look more presentable.  Lynell Burmark, mention three important categories while creating a power point. The first category in a power point is the template; you can either create your own or use one that is already available.   In my experience since I am not familiar with power points, I rather use a power point template until I get enough confidence to create one of my own.  Although according to author, Nancy Durante, she states that we should stay away from templates that are too busy and should never compete with content. (p.4). the next two categories are Color and type  for example making sure  you have not more than 40 words per slide and making sure you pink a color that will not bored the reader.